is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Sunbeam City is a anticapitalist, antifascist solarpunk instance that is run collectively.

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active users

Do you have a blog that's powered by WordPress software?

Did you know you can connect it to the Fediverse so that people on Mastodon and other platforms can interact with it?

You just need to add the ActivityPub WordPress plugin:

You should be able to find this from your blog's plugins menu.

(By the way, this doesn't work on free accounts that are hosted by

If you're using for hosting a WordPress blog, you might want to consider switching to another WordPress hosting provider.'s free tier doesn't allow plugins, so a lot of options (such as connecting your blog to the Fediverse) are closed to you.

The only way of getting plugins on is to use their business tier, which is extremely expensive for what it is.

A cheaper and better option is to use an independent WordPress hosting provider for a few euros/dollars a month that includes a WordPress instance which is automatically installed and updated. Lots of companies and organisations offer this.

Using an indie hoster for WordPress means you get full independence, full control and access to all the plugins (including connecting to the Fediverse). And there are no ads either.

@feditips Are there resources out there cataloging indie wordpress providers? Are there wordpress hosting coops?

@feditips @clacke For example my co-op does @autonomic does WordPress development and hosting and we just use the @coopcloud WordPress app for our clients which gives you vanilla WordPress.