Where do y'all buy yarn from? Are there any, like, indie, DIY yarn spinners out there?
@teslas_moustache I spin a lot of my own, buy some machine spun in local yarn shops, but I wouldn't know where to buy from other spinsters either
Handspinning takes so much time that any yarn youll find will probably be very expensive
@heliotrope yeah, it's interesting. I've heard that because of some agricultural/political jiggery-pokery, shorn wool is almost worthless until it gets processed by someone else.
@teslas_moustache yeah, like I'm hearing farmers who hold sheep for non-wool purposes give the wool away for free or throw it out. Here in the Netherlands I can buy a kilo of nice unprocessed wool for about €10.
But then thinking about how much time it'd take to turn that into handspun yarn, that's the real cost