Where do y'all buy yarn from? Are there any, like, indie, DIY yarn spinners out there?
@teslas_moustache I have legit always wondered if I could spin yarn out of my dogs undercoat… a few times a year I basically end up with a new carpet that I then have to spend weeks vacuuming up, that's got to be enough for a small amount right? (but no really, jokes aside, I don't know what makes good quality yarn, but it's extremely soft and I feel like it would be very nice)
@sam you might be able to felt something with that, but I doubt you could knit a scarf out of dog hair.
@teslas_moustache @sam you can! People do. Check out my other comment with the cat fur blanket I'm currently knitting. Spinning dog undercoat is more frequently used. The yarn might be pure dog fur, but it's more likely blended with some type of wool.
@teslas_moustache @sam
@Paws2Spindle is on a complete dog hair adventure right now. You will love it.