That's all I got for now. I will be posting my bioplastics etc. that I make at home as I make them and a finished product.
@RadioAngel omg ! this si super cool
@RadioAngel what do the 'biomaterials' have as properties, though?
@eris Properties vary. Like all biomaterials once you start adding toxins to them to make them sturdier or last longer they are no longer eco-friendly or biodegradeable. I'll know more about their longevity etc. once I start making them this week.
@RadioAngel ah! thank you :)
@eris No problem! :)
@RadioAngel is this from a book or something? i have a very similar book on my shelf - 'Radical Matter', but it doesn't have recipes...
@eris It's from a presentation my biodesign teacher gave last week.