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How Stevie Nicks responds to mask-shaming 🔥

"I dare anybody to give me a dirty look. I would just say, 'Hey, you know what? I’m Stevie Nicks. And if I get sick, my entire thing goes down. Forty families are out of work. So that’s why I have a mask on, asshole.'"

Article in Rolling Stone:

@luckytran is this the US? 0 dirty looks here in the UK.

hazelnot :yell:

@jonn @luckytran lucky, I've gotten dirty looks for wearing a mask in various European countries and in Romania I've been straight-up asked by cashiers and drivers and others why I wear a mask, trying to start an argument with me over it

@hazelnot @luckytran omg it happened to me today in #London, but it was a russian woman, so make of this what you will.