comrades, anyone got any resources on doing active listening, or NVC, in a group (as opposed to 1-on-1)?
One person speaks and when they are done the others reflect back what they heard them say, focusing on feelings and needs, popcorn style (meaning they just speak up randomly). the person everyone agreed beforehand to be the facilitator keeps an eye on content and speaks up when people contribute advice or their own stories and requests they go back to making feelings, needs and what is important to the first person. Does this help?
@naomifearn this is super helpful, thank you!
We ended up doing basically exactly this (modulo eye contact, because the group almost never does video calls).
We also got introduced to the idea of convergent facilitation since my post, but I haven't read much of anything about it yet, I'll check out that website!
@handle happy to hear! Glad it was helpful :)