only source i can find for the video i want to watch is 1080p.
PC I watch videos on is a 1.4GHz dual-core (possibly throttled to 800MHz for some reason, if i am reading /proc/cpuinfo right), with no graphics card. 1080p video plays like a slideshow.
screen is 20" and almost 2m away, High Def not required.
ok so i'll just hit the internet, find ffmpeg options to downscale it (`-s 640x480 -c:a copy`) - and it works!
but takes over an hour to do each 30m video
what about running ffmpeg on my laptop, via SSH/GVFS (sounds way more pro than it is, just drag and drop a file path from file browser to terminal), over the hilarious network (ISP router for DNS + DHCP, network switch, 50m cable, old ADSL router running as wifi AP, wifi repeater running as wifi-to-ethernet gateway, ethernet cable )
down to 15m!
to be continued. thank you for coming to my lightning talk
If quality is not an issue, GPU-accelerated video encoding might be a good bet. I don't know how old the GPU on the laptop is but there's a chance it supports GPU accelerated h264 encode. ffmpeg can do this, but sometimes it requires extra configuration to enable or properly link to the GPU device on linux
@handle You might even be able to set it up so the "video resizing server" (laptop) outputs in HLS format (live video over HTTP) then you can just point VLC at a LAN IP based URL to the .m3u8 index file that ffmpeg outputs and it should stream
@forestjohnson gonna give this a go, thank you for the tip!