went on the first dumpster mission of #solpunk and we got enough goodies for us all to get fat!
@liaizon btw what's solpunk, and where is it organized?
@crusom a solarpunk meetup/con in #svendborg denmark happening rn
@liaizon @crusom
I haven't seen someone using dithering for non-artsy reasons since the last century. how peculiar.
also these are JPGs...does mastodon convert image formats? let's test this...
nope, looks like you uploaded dithered JPGs. just turn down the JPG quality next time. you'll get smaller images with less visual sideffects. JPGs and dithering are pretty much incompatible
@kolya @liaizon well, that's true, we have pretty good compression methods these days, so dithering is usually used as a cool-nerdy-thing.
However some sites actually use dithering for decreasing file sizes and it works great, like: https://solar.lowtechmagazine.com/