Where do y'all buy yarn from? Are there any, like, indie, DIY yarn spinners out there?
@teslas_moustache I'm currently making a knitted blanket from the fur I comb from my floofy cats, blended with wool I purchased from Dharma Trading. You can learn to spin your own yarn. Pick up a simple drop spindle or support spindle and a braid or two of wool, and watch a video to get started. You can also dye your wool with kool-aid, that's fun.
@temporal_spider that's super cool, but I will likely not be doing that. I don't even do real knitting. I just use those plastic looms to make hats and scarves, and maybe one day socks.
There have got to be people out there who just love making yarn.
@teslas_moustache loom knitting is real knitting!