I have all the bits and pieces to get started with a simple hydroponics system like the one here: https://www.instructables.com/id/Hydroponics---at-Home-and-for-Beginners/
Once I get it set up, I’m wondering which veggies can I grow outside in autumn?
I have only used aquaponics in a greenhouse (which I did not setup). But I would think herbs or greens would be good. And give you the option to move it inside under a sunny window / lights in the winter.
@tulsi I already have some herbs growing in pots, but greens sound like a good idea. I would love a little greenhouse, but would like to attempt growing something outside first. Our weather is pretty mild as we're on the coast.
@gendor yeah something quick growing would be good. I quite like japanese greens like mizuna http://www.evergreenseeds.com/japanesegreens.html
@tulsi Ah, those look nice! So many varieties of greens
@gendor I'm growing Lamb's Lettuce at the moment, allegedly it'll grow throughout a temperate winter. I think typically you grow to a certain size then harvest the whole plant, unless leaving to set seed, and this should be done in monthly successions. It's high in Vitamin C which is handy for a wintertime crop when fruit and other greens are traditionally scarce.
@cathal Thanks, I'll give it a try! Are you growing it hydroponically?
@gendor no, outdoors on compost. I don't know how it would like hydro, would be a worthy experiment/writeup. :)
@cathal Just found this: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1002/jsfa.4313 I don't have access to the full article, but the conclusion does suggest increased yield for hydro, so definitely worth a try!